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The next courses start in January. I look forward to hearing from you
Usually I teach the courses in the mornings from 9:00am - 11:30am but am flexible with the timing.

Sign-up by 2 December to make use of the early-bird price of 488SGD instead of 588SGD. 


Ich unterrichte die Achtsamkeitskurse auch auf Deutsch - melde dich doch einfach, falls du Interesse hast, ich freue mich auf deine Kontaktaufnahme!

Bei Anmeldung bis 2. Dezember 2024 profitierst du vom Frühbucher-Rabatt. 

QR code to sign up for Mindfulness Course



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Research has shown that people who are more mindful are generally happier and report less anxiety, symptoms of depression, anger, and worries. A higher degree of mindfulness is also associated with reduced stress and increased gratitude, hope, and vitality.

So, if practicing mindfulness holds such powerful potential for our wellbeing, why aren’t we all doing it every day?


The reason is often that we need more guidance and support than simply downloading an app.

We need to better understand the underlying processes and research behind mindfulness.


My Mindfulness Experience program is designed to walk you through everything you need to fully understand mindfulness and experience the profound effects it can have on your life.

Presentation Title Page
Presentation Slide Goals
Presentation Slide Judgement


  • A deep-dive into one specific element of mindfulness per session

  • Information and practice, integrated with research and evidence

  • Small, informal practices that help weave mindfulness into your daily routine

  • An examination of mindfulness in the broader context of life and how we perceive things

  • Meditations during the sessions and as 'homework'

  • A detailed handbook with worksheets and 'homework'

  • A community of fellow participants

  • Recorded Meditations

  • Daily reminders on the topic of the week

  • The ability to ask me anything

Distracted by Social Media


  • You're curious about mindfulness and want to commit to developing a practice

  • You’ve tried meditation or mindfulness before, and it didn’t work out

  • You want to know the nuts and bolts behind the practice and approach it in a science-based way

  • You experience anxiety, stress, or trouble sleeping

  • You want to live more mindfully and feel more alive and present

Couple Meditating


​Group workshops will be held weekly (2 1/2 hours).


There will be homework and exercises for you to practice at home, and additional inspiration will be shared to keep you motivated and supported throughout the program.


Session 1: Introduction, Attention & The Now

Session 2: Automaticity

Session 3: Judgment

Session 4: Acceptance

Session 5: Goals

Session 6: Compassion

Session 7: The Ego

Session 8: Integration


The course fee is 588SGD including manual, daily support, additional material and refreshments.

Mindfulness Manual Overiview


Susanna Rueegger Koechli

My name is Susanna Rueegger Koechli, and I have been a Reiki Master/Teacher for over 15 years. I've been diving deeper into holistic healing, meditation and mindfulness after I had my children more than 20 years ago.


As a Transformational Coach, I am passionate about supporting my clients to become more present, focused and fulfilled. Mindfulness is a powerful practice and I have seen many lives changed by opening the heart and mind to a mindful living.


I like sharing my knowledge in an informal and fun way and teach mostly in small groups to enable a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, I am also happy to introduce mindfulness in a corporate environment. 

Originally, I am from Switzerland and hence I offer my courses and sessions in English as well as in German.

"While I was on holidays, I got the Shingles. It was painful, but I managed to do the treatment and still had a nice trip. 

When I was my return flight, however, I guess due to the plane pressure, the nerves affected by the shingles got very painful. Soon after, my throat started to hurt quite badly, and I was not sure if I was choking with an allergy or just having a very painful sore throat. 

I honestly felt quite desperate, but then I remembered my mindfulness meditations. I played relaxing music and started to tell my body to let go and relax. I managed my breathing and, relaxed little by little, body part by body part, I could breathe again. I was so relaxed that I even managed to sleep for about five hours after that. 

I felt so grateful, thankful, and relieved that I had this amazing tool. 

I wanted to share this story with you and thank you!

- Maria A.

Mindfulness Experience, June 2024


How long does this program take to complete?

This is an 8-week program which usually starts in January, April and September. But it can also be customized: if you and two friends want to do a class with me, we can open a new course any time.

What is the format of the Mindfulness Experience?

Normally, we meet in small groups of maximum 5 people at my home. If you prefer, we can also do our courses via Zoom.

What does a typical class contain?

During each meeting we do meditations and exercises, I present the weekly topic and we exchange experiences. Of course we always have time to discuss questions.

How much time do I need to complete the homework exercises? What will that look like?

This training requires 'homework' of about 15 to 30 minutes a day and is most effective when done at home. The different types of exercises include doing formal meditations (recorded meditations provided) and more informal daily practices.

I’ve tried Mindfulness before and have fallen into old habits. How do I know that this program will be different?

At its core, Mindfulness is about starting over again and again on a daily basis. Even if you feel like you’re not making ‘progress’, if you have patience and try to practice regularly to the best of your ability, your efforts will pay off. In this program, we’ll approach mindfulness in a way that addresses all of the common stumbling blocks, and you’ll be free to share your specific concerns so we can troubleshoot them together.

Why 8 weeks?

Mindfulness is not something you can 'just learn' in a classroom. You have to understand it and its benefits and integrate it into daily live. This is a process, and every day is an opportunity to begin anew.​ During the 8-week process, we dive into a different aspect of mindfulness every week and get the chance to incorporate the new information into our lives. We discuss 'Attention and The Now', automatic behavior and thinking, judgment, acceptance, goals, compassion and the Ego, and bring them in relationship with each other and mindfulness. ​By going through this process in a group in which the participants support each other and share their experiences, the transfer of the course topics into daily life is reinforced.​ Finally, as you are consciously integrating the knowledge into your life throughout this prolonged period of time, it becomes a habit and then second nature. This is how change happens.

How many people have taken this course with you?

Since I started teaching this course, over 50 people (mostly women, but also some men) have participated in the course. Most of them in person, some online (especially during COVID when restrictions have been in place). The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Why would someone take this course twice?

When you are in the course, you are constantly aware and reminded of the content of this week and of the general mindful way of living. This supports you in creating new habits - so monitoring a class is a great way to re-establish new patterns.

Are the resources in the Mindfulness Experience based on scientific evidence?

Yes. Over 3,000 peer-reviewed research studies have validated the benefits of mindfulness. Everything in this program is underpinned by rigorous science and references.

What is my investment in the course?

The course is currently offered at the price of 588SGD. This includes all course materials, in-person or online classes, certificate, daily support and recorded meditations. You can re-take the course for 50% of the course fee.

I have another question! Can I reach out?

Of course! Please feel free to email me and we can chat:

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